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      Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for thousands of years. In 2008, the National Institute of Health called Moringa the ¡°plant of the year.¡± ¡®Moringa leaf¡¯ contains: 92 Nutrients, 46 Antioxidants, 20 types of amino acids, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds and comes packed with over 90 protective compounds. There are 20 amino acids present in the human body¡¯s structures. Of those, 9 are known to be ESSENTIAL; they have to be supplied by the diet since the human body cannot synthesize them, as it does with the other 11 amino acids. Few foods, like Moringa, are known to contain all 9 essential amino acids. These components carry out vital activities in our body from wound healing to immune boosting and cancer tumor suppression, to muscle and tissue growth.

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